Thursday, July 7, 2011

The REAL Dangers of the Water Front

Okay, so I know that the LAST time I talked about the dangers of the water front, it was just a drill.  This time, however, it was real.

So here's the story.  A kid had 'excaped' from the water front without his buddy tag.  This of course means that there was the possibility of the kid still being on the water front.  Which means we had to start looking.

And this is where MY story starts.  Sean O'Connor and I were standing in the doorway of my condo.  The alarm went off and the piercing noise reaches us part way up the mountain.  Sean and I looked at eachother.  "That's the alarm..."  He nods.  "The LBD (Lost Bather Drill) alarm..."  Again he nods.  "And it's not a drill this time..."  He shakes his head.  Almost simultainiusly, we say "crap," grab our bags from off the floor, and start to sprint through the trail.  It took Sean and I just over two minutes from when the alarm went off to get down the hill, into the waterfront, put on our flippers and masks, and get in the water.

Isaac, Jordan and I started a cross sweep in the boating area as Sean joined the group running perpendicular to us in the same area.  Long story short, we spent twenty minutes diving about thirty feet under water for a kid that turned out to not even be in the waterfront.

We are all tired, both physically and mentally, but we did our jobs.  Every one's safe and that's what counts.  There's just one more thing I ask for: Please no more excitement this week.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, STILL proud of you and all you've accomplished!
